Fighting Steel
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GNB 2-5
Silent Hunter III

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Operation Catapult
In 1940 the French Fleet (similar USN-ships used in this scenario!) became subject to Vichy-France. In order to avoid any naval contribution to the axis, Churchill gave the order to negotiate with the French Admirals and to destroy their ships if necessary. In Mers-el-Kebir such negotiations failed. On July 7th 1940 at 6 p.m., Force H attacked.
by Bz

Operation Horse Jump (Unternehmen Rösselsprung)
The fate of the allied Murmansk convoy PQ 17 is history. Because of reports that the German Battleship Tirpitz has left its Norwegian base, the convoy was scattered and was an easy bait for German U-boats and bombers. But what would have happened if the German ships would not be ordered back and would have engaged by the allied cover group?
by Grant Michaud

Mediterranian Convoy
On 15 April, 1941 four British DDs ambush an Italian convoy carrying much needed supplies to Rommel's Africa Korps. The entire convoy and 2 of the 3 Italian DDs was destroyed, at the cost of one RN destroyer. Note: Since Italian ships aren't available, I used German DDs, but reduced reduced crew and fatigue status to represent the inferior Italian fleet.
by Robert Schoneman

Mines away!
Early in the war, the German Kriegsmarine sent out several sorties of destroyers to lay mine fields off the British coast. On December 7th 1939, the Destroyers Hans Lody and Erich Giese are on such a mission near Cromer, when they detect two British destroyers. The Germans could surprise the British and torpedo the DD Jervis.
by Michael Emmerich

Neutrality Patrols!
In June 1941 the USN had a powerful force in Iceland to watch the west side of the Atlantic. The Germans decide to make one more breakout with the availble heavy units.The British who are still hurting from the Bismarck dont really have much to add to the fight. So with some convincing the USN attaches the Iceland force to the RN till this breakout is under control.
by Grant Michaud

Operation Sealion - Two Mission Set
This two mission set is set in the hypothetical invasion of England - Operation Sealion. "The Battle Of Dover" is the attempt of the British Home Fleet to break through the main group of the German Kriegsmarine and attack the German invasion forces in the Channel. As the British attack on the the German battle group failed spectaculry, the capital ships are bent on destroying the Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Tirpitz -"Revenge" !
by Steve J. Hummel

Norway Encounter (Hypothetical)
A hypothetical engagement during the German Norwegian Campaign: The Renown and the Repulse encounter the Lützow, Admiral Scheer, Prinz Eugen and the Admiral Hipper during the Norway invasion.
by Otto Freischer