The Mercedes Benz Unimog is one of the worlds best light-medium duty rough terrain cargo vehicles for about 50 years now.
The first models were developed shortly after World War II in 1948. First developed as an agricultural tractor, the Unimog (Unimog = Universal Motor Gerät, universal engined vehicle) later proofed to be useful in many tasks, like fire rescue, forest work, rescue and of course the military.
The most famous of all Unimogs is still the S404, the gasoline powered vehicle build until the late 60s and early seventies. It was available in many different variants, mostly with a soft top roof (very nice in the summertime). On its rear the car either had a pure flatbed for cargo or troops or a box for ambulance or radio equipment. This vehicle is still in use in many armies of the world although its totally outdated today (and horrible to drive compared to the later models, as is it 'swimming' over the roads).
The U1300L was introduced in 1975. Its mainly found with a flatbed on the rear for transport purposes or to carry communication containers, but there are also version with a closed box, mainly used as ambulances. With its 96kw diesel engine, the car runs slightly faster than 80 kilometers per hour, but as this speed the cabin starts to swing terribly. In general the modern Unimogs drive just like a bigger car, much smoother than the old S404 ones.


Unimog U1300L of the 6. FmReg 11
Unimog S404 of the 6 FmReg 11 with a 15m communication mast